CLIMA 2016 – Commissioning workshop

I år afholdes det 12. REHVA World Congress CLIMA 2016, der er den førende internationale videnskabslige kongres indenfor HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning). CLIMA 2016 afholdes i Aalborg i maj måned.

REHVA’s Commissioning Task Force afholde dette år en workshop omkring “Building Commissioning in Europe”. Kom og deltag i workshoppen og vær med til at forme Europas fremtidige Commissioning proces.

Workshoppen starter med 4 små indlæg, hvorefter idegenereringen starter. Indlægsholdere:

  • Frank Hovorka, UNEP Financial Initiative, Sustainable Building Alliance
  • Ian Knight, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
  • Thomas Toftgaard Jarløv, Copenhagen Airports
  • Ole Teisen, Sweco Danmark A/S


Today there is demand for Building Commissioning in almost all building projects. Many building owners have realized that the technical complexity of buildings has increased and it is necessary to manage the quality of any building work to fulfill the requirements of the owner.

However, the requests for commissioning services often lack basic knowledge of how to set up the commissioning organization, the leadership, the scope, the activities in the pre-design, design, construction and operations phases, and the money needed for the investment in this quality management process.

Main objectives:

Provide insights into how Building Commissioning is performed, how it interacts with sustainability measures and how it influences the value of buildings.

Map market demand for tools, guidance, certifications, investigations and documentations in the future work with Building Commissioning.

Map knowledge gaps to give input to the REHVA Commissioning Task Force elaborating a REHVA Building Commissioning Guidebook focusing on the commissioning of retrofits.