As of today I'm very happy to anounce the launch of NimWC version 5.0.0
Juan Carlos started a new
Pull Request, (programming language for a new feature'ish), the
10th of January 2019. The main goal back then was to add support for a
Postgres database backend, but it turned out to be a major upgrade with more
than +350 code submissions , which spans over
2621 new lines of code .
If you have any questions or need to help to use NimWC, do not hesitate to contacts or by submitting a issue on the Github issue page.
Nim Website Creator
Version 5.0.0 is officially released and includes many new
features and optimizations. More than +350 code submissions and
more than 2.621 lines of new code.
Would like to set up a personal or business website within minutes? Have
multiple functions and tools within a few clicks in the browser? Then
follow the guide below, to install NimWC.
Install Nim
Nim can easily be installed with the command:
curl -sSf | sh
Install NimWC
You can install it with Nimble or compile it.
nimble install nimwc
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to the folder
cd nim_websitecreator
# Set up the config file
cp config/config_default.cfg config/config.cfg
# Edit the config file
nano config/config.cfg
# Install dependencies
nimble install jester recaptcha bcrypt datetime2human otp firejail webp
# Compile NimWC
nim c nimwc.nim
# Add admin user./nimwc --newuser -u:admin -p:password123
# Insert standard data (optional)./nimwc --insertdata
# Run!./nimwc
# Login on